Money-Wasting Attitudes Young Men Should Lose

It’s not easy to save money, but it’s quite easy to waste money. We live in a materialistic world and there are plenty of things for us to spend money on.

Young people tend to spend money more recklessly, because we have this false sense of security, especially young men. We like to believe that since we are young, there is still plenty of time for us to pull ourselves together financially.


But it’s also because we often let our pride get in the way of common sense. We waste money without even realizing it. Our attitudes in our daily life affect the way we spend money.

If you are always down to the last penny at the end of the month, you may want to reflect on what has gone wrong with the way you live. Some behaviors might just be the reason you don’t have any savings, such as:

1. Like to show off

Some people have a strong tendency to buy overpriced stuff, which does exactly the same job that something half the price can do: high-end gadgets, brand watches, luxury bags, just to name a few.

Those expensive things are not necessities, but they serve a “larger” role in people’s lives: Elevating their status in a miraculous way. That’s probably why those things are always featured prominently on Facebook posts and Instagram photos.


It’s easy to fall into the trap of unhealthy competitions – you want the things that your friends are so proud of. But trying to keep up with a whole circle of flamboyant friends is one of the surest ways to waste money.

People who are flashy or smug might feel like they are better than others, or they are just desperately trying to prove they are more successful. But other than making people feel uncomfortable or even offended, there isn’t much benefit of that attitude.

Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Ma and other super-rich are admired by many not just because they are rich, famous and successful, but also because they are seen as people with humility.

2. Think too much about face

I have friends who generously use vouchers when they hang out with buddies, but almost always keep those in their pockets when they take the girls out. You can guess the reason: Guys worry more about losing face than they do about losing money.


There’s no shame in being money-savvy. Guys, if you bring your girlfriend out for a date, don’t be afraid of losing face because you didn’t pay the bill mindlessly. Being practical is not something to be embarrassed about, as long as you are not being an unreasonable cheapskate.

3. Careless about expenses

When one of my friends complained to me: “I don’t even know how I spent my money so fast!” I wasn’t surprised after I found out he was clueless about where and when he spent his money.

Not all of us are so organized that we keep a list of what we do every day, because it’s troublesome and trivial.


But keeping track of your expenses can help you get a better sense of your spending pattern. There are even apps to help you do that. And if you make it a habit, it doesn’t take too much of your time.

If you use bank cards, your monthly statements can serve as your financial reports, because they give you a clear picture of your spending. By reviewing your statements, you will immediately know what activities you have spent too much money on. That can also help you plan your budget for the next month.


This article previously appeared on Yahoo.

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